Top Tips for Gun Safety

Tucson Gun Law Attorney
At The Behan Law Group in Tucson, we are dedicated to helping Arizona residents protect their right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. We believe that this right is a cornerstone of the American way of life. Our team also recognizes the responsibilities that come along with the right to bear arms, and we take gun safety very seriously.
Attorney Michelle Behan is a Navy veteran and a former law enforcement officer with extensive weapons training. During each and every training session, her instructors emphasized making safety the top priority. Firearms are deadly weapons that must be handled and used properly, and carelessness can lead to serious injuries or death.
The Top Ten Rules of Gun Safety
The rules of gun safety apply to any firearm, including a handgun, rifle, or shotgun. They also apply to people of all ages.
- Always treat a gun as if it is loaded. This mindset can help to avoid tragic accidents.
- Always ensure that the gun is pointed in a safe direction while handling it. Never point a gun toward anything you do not intend to shoot, kill, or destroy. No exceptions.
- Keep your finger straight along the side of the gun (outside of the trigger guard) until you are ready to fire.
- Always be certain of your target and what lies beyond it.
- Learn how your gun works mechanically and how it feels when the gun is working properly.
- Use the right ammunition for the gun and your intended purpose. Different ammunition may suit different purposes, and it is important to choose properly.
- Always check the barrel for obstructions before loading the gun. Be sure to keep the gun pointed in a safe direction while doing so.
- Do not depend on a gun's safety switch to prevent it from firing. Some guns do not have a safety switch.
- In the event that the gun does not fire when you pull the trigger, remain in a shooting position for several additional seconds. Then, keeping the gun pointed in a safe direction, unload the weapon carefully, including the chambered round.
- Always know your surroundings when handling or holding a gun. Losing your balance or tripping could cause you to accidentally point or fire the weapon at an unintended victim or target.
Safety at the Gun Range
A gun range is an excellent place for you to get familiar with a new gun, to sight in your gun for hunting, or simply to practice your marksmanship. Whether you go to an indoor or outdoor range, these rules will help ensure the safety of you and everyone else at the range.
- Follow all of the Top Ten Rules of Gun Safety
- Be familiar with and follow all of the rules established by the range.
- Be attentive to the Range Master and follow all instructions given.
- Do not uncase your gun until you are at the shooting bench, and always case your gun at the bench before going behind the safety line.
- Always keep your gun pointed downrange.
- Leave the safety on until you are ready to shoot.
- Always wear hearing protection and eye protection while shooting.
Get the Guidance You Need
For more information about gun rights in Arizona, or for help with a legal issue related to gun ownership, contact our office. Call 520-485-7143 to schedule a confidential consultation at The Behan Law Group today. Our firm serves clients in Tucson, Pima County, and throughout the surrounding areas.