Concealed Carry and Self Defense Laws in Arizona

Tucson, AZ, Gun and Weapons Charges Defense Attorney
If you ask most gun owners, concealed carry is one of the greatest forms of personal protection, but the level of responsibility associated with carrying a concealed firearm is significant as well. When you choose to go about your daily life with a concealed weapon on your person, you are responsible for handling the weapon and any situations that may arise properly. In order to do so, it is important for you to become familiar with the concealed carry laws in the state of Arizona, as well as the state's laws regarding standing your ground and self-defense.
At The Behan Law Group, we believe in protecting the concealed carry and self-defense rights of Arizona residents. Our attorneys realize that gun and self-defense laws are often controversial, but we also understand the importance of educating the public to keep everyone safe, as well as zealously defending our clients to ensure that the rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution are upheld.
Constitutional Carry in Arizona
Arizona is referred to as a "constitutional carry" state. This means that the state does not require you to obtain any permit, license, or registration card in order to carry a firearm—either open carry or concealed carry. According to Arizona law, any person who is over the age of 18 and legally allowed to possess a gun may open carry a firearm. The law defines "open carry" as carrying a firearm in a manner in which any part of the weapon or holster is visible. Any person who is over the age of 21 and legally allowed to possess a gun may carry a concealed carry a firearm without a permit, license, or registration card in Arizona.
There are relatively few rules regarding where you cannot carry a weapon in Arizona. Specifically, you cannot concealed carry:
- On school grounds. Schools include academic institutions up to and including high schools;
- Polling sites on election day;
- Hydroelectric or nuclear power stations;
- Correctional facilities;
- Any establishment or public event with clear "no weapons" rules. Clear rules include visible signage; or
- Any place that is prohibited by federal law, including federal buildings, federal courthouses, and post offices.
Concealed carry is not prohibited by law on college campuses, including the campus of the University of Arizona, but most colleges in the state maintain "no weapons" policies. You ARE permitted to carry a firearm in Arizona state parks, state and national forests in Arizona, and anywhere else that is not specified as off-limits.
Arizona law requires you to notify a law enforcement officer of the presence of a firearm if you come into contact with an officer in an official capacity, such as during a traffic stop. The officer is permitted to take temporary custody of the weapon for the duration of your contact with him or her.
Castle Doctrine and Self-Defense
For the purposes of protecting yourself, your family, and your home, Arizona is considered a "Castle Doctrine" state, and you are allowed to "stand your ground." Castle Doctrine laws are based on the idea that you have the right to be safe in your own home—your "castle"—and you are under no obligation to retreat from your home to stay safe. You also have the right to use force to protect yourself, your family, and your property.
"Stand Your Ground" laws are similar and apply outside of your home as well. If you are in a place where you are legally allowed to be and are not otherwise breaking the law, you are not required to retreat if another person threatens your safety or assaults you.
Under both the Castle Doctrine laws and the Stand Your Ground principles in Arizona, you are allowed to use reasonable force in proportion to the threat against you when it is immediately necessary to protect yourself or others from possible deadly force. However, deadly force is not considered justified simply to stop vandalism, theft or other property crimes.
Gun Rights Questions? Get the Answers
If you have additional questions about the concealed carry and self-defense laws in Arizona, contact our office for answers. Call 520-485-7143 to schedule a confidential consultation with a member of the team at The Behan Law Group today. Our firm protects the rights of clients throughout Tucson, Pima County, and the surrounding areas.